Luxury Linens products is a direct conduit from the factory. We import directly from the source and ship to the customer, by-passing the cost of brokers, buyers and any other middlemen. This results in discounts to the ultimate customer of up to 80% from regular retail price. For many of our customers, the introduction of our product represented a sale that they had previously never had, for profits that they had never earned. Our product became a welcome addition to their inventory. Our customers include traditional supermarkets, super-conventional food markets, box stores, home goods stores, value marketplaces and discount club stores.
We gladly collaborate with you to learn about your demographics and customer counts to tailor a pallet configuration and promotion that will best fit your locations. Our years of experience on both the retail and the wholesale marketplace and our consultative approach have yielded tremendous results for our customers, and ultimately, your customers! Our inventory has usually sold out of a location within 90 days!
We have it on good authority that the fastest selling items at some of the most respected retailers in our industry are towel sheets for the kitchen and tissue sheets for the bathroom. We argue that bed linens for the bedroom can fall into the same category, and we have witnessed results that back our assertion.
Given an average of three bedrooms in an average residence, for a store with a customer count of 10,000, it represents an opportunity to address the needs of 30,000 beds. Currently, most consumers make their bed linen choices at the mall or department store. Our mission is to transform the consumer's option to shop for their luxury linens at the store where they buy their groceries for the same quality bed sheets at a discounted prices.
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